Traders range from shuttles with the passenger
spaces replaced with cargo space up to custom
traders which will accept cargo modules (large,
normally sealed, modules which are attached to
pylons on the ship). None of these ships have
built-in jump engines, although some could accept
them if cargo space was sacrificed. Traders rarely
have good weapon systems, relying more on
escorts or blind chance. Nearly all of these ships
can dock directly with stations, although only
the smallest ones can enter atmospheres or high-g
Bulk traders:
Larger relations of traders which have integral
jump engines, large cargo holds and cargo module
pylons as standard. These ships also have much
better offensive and defensive weapon systems
than traders. Their size prevents them from
docking with stations, or entering atmospheres,
so loading and unloading is normally done in
zero-g docking areas or in a holding position
outside a station.
D.S Traders:
Traders and bulk traders do not have the
capability to travel very long distances, usually
no more than 48 hours travel. Deep space traders
have modified power plants, more powerful EM
damping hulls and nearly twice the fuel reserves
of their smaller cousins. This gives them almost
96 hours flight time (even though the ship must
make a charge jump every 24 hours). D.S traders
are usually much larger than normal and bulk
traders (the latest model from XianTech is 2 and
a half miles long and can carry over half a
million tonnes) and can be nearly as well armed as
a small military cruiser.